(02/18/2021 / sbr)

Mondi Steinfeld certified as CO2 neutral for its manufacturing operations

Mondi Steinfeld in Germany has been certified as CO2 neutral for its manufacturing processes by ClimatePartner, an organisation which supports companies in reducing and offsetting their CO2 emissions. This certification was awarded as a result of Mondi Steinfeld switching to renewable energy and supporting certain climate projects in 2020.

Once the total emissions of the plant were calculated in 2019, ClimatePartner helped the plant find further ways to reduce, and then offset, its emissions with climate projects and measures such as switching to hydropower.

As part of this certification, the plant in Steinfeld combined carbon offsetting with participation in a number of carbon trust projects. These projects engage in local and international reforestation efforts to protect environmentally sensitive regions, such as Brazil and some parts of Europe. The next local project will focus on protecting an environmentally vulnerable moor close to Lichtenau in Germany through reforestation, to protect diverse ecosystems and habitats for a variety of wildlife.

“Being sustainable by design is Mondi’s purpose. Not only does this mean creating more sustainable products, but also making our production process more sustainable by optimising our processes and reducing our emissions. We are proud to achieve this carbon neutral status while also supporting Mondi’s 10 year sustainability action plan, MAP2030, to tackle global issues across the value chain, including taking action on climate,” said Werner Ferlings, Managing Director, Mondi Halle and Steinfeld, on behalf of the entire management team.

Mondi Group, a global leader in packaging and paper, produces consumer flexible packaging at its plant in Steinfeld. Several of the products manufactured at the plant include state of the art recyclable pre-made packaging for dry pet food. Mondi is committed to providing customers with sustainable packaging through their customer-centric approach, EcoSolutions. This approach examines the entire value chain, including manufacturing, operations, and logistics. This CO2 neutral certification is another step in making the manufacturing process more sustainable.

For further details on how much CO2 has been offset, and the climate projects that Mondi in Steinfeld is supporting, please click here.