PKV has produced a total of 20 million tons of paper and cardboard for packaging over the past 70 years - all from waste paper. The amount produced could cover one third of Germany's surface area. The milestone of 20 million tons now reached reflects the success story of corrugated base papers and board from Varel just as much as the demand for sustainable and recyclable packaging materials, which has grown significantly over the past decades. And last but not least, the development of the production volume traces the dynamic development at the Varel site: By 1990, “only” 15 percent of the 20 million tons now produced had been produced, and by 2010, just over half.
The total quantity is divided into one-third cardboard, two-thirds paper - in this division PKV also currently produces on a total of four machines. Companies in the German and international packaging industry use these products to manufacture corrugated board and cardboard packaging that can be used, for example, for food, consumer goods, industrial goods or pharmaceutical products, or in online retailing, and then recycled again.