Grass paper, the newest product from Scheufelen and our contribution to the UN Agenda 2030, will again revolutionize paper production. Scheufelen grass paper is made with 50 % fresh fibers from sun dried grass. Different than other globally available fresh fiber pulps this material is produced locally around the paper factory in the Bio Sphere Region Schwäbische Alb from perennial grass plants.
It will be processed in an integrated production site in the paper factory in Lenningen, operated jointly with the development partner Creapapier GmbH, Hennef, Germany.
The revolutionary feature here is the production of an economical fresh fiber pulp with the least possible environmental impact. This stems from a dramatically reduced industrial process water requirement (less than 1 liter per ton grass fiber pulp, compared to a few thousand liters per ton wood fiber pulp), a massive energy saving of up to 80 % per ton fresh fiber material and completely dispensing with the use of any process chemicals.
This significantly reduces the environmental impact of products packaged with grass paper, reinforces the already impressive ecological advantages of paper packaging and allows a unique marketing approach. Additionally, fresh fiber packaging solutions based on grass paper already fulfill all requirements which will arise from the planned German mineral oil regulation for packaging material for improved consumer protection. Suitability of material for food packaging has been certified by ISEGA, plus the material is recyclable, compostable and FSC-Mix certified (FSC® C009951).
The extensive expertise of the Scheufelen Team in the development of unique printing surfaces guarantees it’s suitability for offset printing. This has been demonstrated with great success by the pilot client Rondo (St.Rupprecht/Raab) in the development of packaging tables for fruits and vegetables.
Grass paper is suitable for the production of containerboard, liners and folding box containers, as well as for graphical applications. Multiple product examples have already been developed under a cooperation between Scheufelen and the Hochschule für Medien, Stuttgart, Germany by a group of master students in the new Lenningen Packaging Campus, showing huge potential for diverse market segments.
Grass paper is distributed by Scheufelen in different qualities under the brand names greenliner for container board and liner, Scheufelen graspapier for graphical applications as well as phoenogras in an exclusive combination of grass paper with the high white fresh fiber board phoenolux for unique high-end packaging solutions.
At present greenliner is available in grammages ranging from 80, 90, 105, 130 to 200 gsm, Scheufelen graspapier in 95 and 130 gsm and phoenogras in 360 gsm.