(07/04/2018 / rkj)

Magnus Kangas new Mill Manager of Ortviken paper mill

Magnus Kangas comes to Ortviken from a position as manager of BillerudKorsnäs’ paper mill in Gävle. He has held a number of leading positions in the paper industry and the energy sector.He will take on his new postion as of January 1, 2019.

Magnus Kangas is succeeding Kristina Enander, new President of SCA’s business area Pulp.

“With Magnus Kangas, the Ortviken paper mill will get a very experienced leader with broad experience from Sweden and abroad”, says Mats Nordlander, President of SCAs business area Paper .

Ortviken paper mill in Sundsvall produces coated and uncoated publication paper, has a capacity of 775,000 tonnes per annum and 625 employees.