The European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Beatrice Klose as next chairperson. Ms Klose is the Secretary General of Intergraf - the European Association representing print and digital communications, one of the member organisations of the ERPC. She started her ERPC chairmanship on 1 January 2013 and will keep the position until end 2014.
The ERPC was set up after the successful launch of the first „European Declaration on Paper Recovery? as an industry own-initiative in November 2000 with the aim to monitor the progress made towards meeting the targets set out in the European Declaration. In 2011 the industry committed itself to meet and maintain a voluntary paper recycling rate target of 70% in EU 27 plus Switzerland and Norway by 2010, which is higher than in any other region in the world, and to pursue qualitative targets in areas such as waste prevention, ecodesign, and research and development.
“The ERPC has been very successful in boasting paper recovery and recycling rates and in improving the quality of paper for recycling in Europe. I intend to continue this line of work and to preserve the valuable contribution of the value chain to green growth and job creation in Europe”, said Ms Klose.