Roll covers are now part of the V.I.T. Papertec AG´s product portfolio, since the consortium from Gerlingen took over the skapa roll cover technology SL´s majority last year.
The V.I.T. Papertec AG has been focusing on service for a very long time. The demands on the paper industry are increasing continously. To be able to assist and react appropriately, V.I.T. has taken over the activities of PIM, Paper Industry Measurements. Their team has been reinforced by an expert for roll covers, Thomas Puffler.
Their new services include: TAPO-analyses, electronic Nip-analyses, 3D-laser measurements, vibration-analyses, procurement control (especially monitoring of the bonding layer of suction press rolls), as well as measurements and analyses in the paper industry, through thermography.
With the help of the 3D-laser system, it is possible to run exact and fast analyses, such as the parallelism of two or more rolls. The resolution of 0,002 mm/m, shows the enormous precision of the system. Furthermore, complete machine alignment, measuring of the headbox lip, abrasion measurements of a cover, profile measurements of the surface of a heated Yankee-cylinder or measurements of foils are possible.
V.I.T. sees this as an enormous increase in machine efficiency in the mills, such as the alignment of the roll parallelism, improvement of web run problems, fluctuations in workload, or optimised machine alignment. According to V.I.T., these problems can be rectified in a very fast and simple manner, using the appropriate measuring systems. Some of the measurements on the whole paper machine, can even be applied during the production process.