(10/08/2013 / sha)

Tieto: New ERP system to Stora Enso

Tieto and Stora Enso have agreed on building a new ERP system for Stora Enso Wood Supply Finland. The system will cover all the main processes of Stora Enso Wood Supply Finland, including forest owner services, purchasing, harvesting and logistics. With the new system, Stora Enso will improve both its cost-effectiveness and the services for mills, customers and forest owners.


The agreement covers project management and the ramp-up of the services, including business and technical architecture, applications and system environment, migration and business transition. The project has already started and will be finalized in three years.

Through the new system, Stora Enso Wood Supply Finland will be able to further improve collaboration with forest owners, contractors and customers, as well as better utilize opportunities enabled by IT, such as mobility systems. Stora Enso Wood Supply Finland is currently running the tailor-made MEX system, originally implemented by Tieto in the mid-1990s and since maintained by them. The new system will include functionalities that support the whole business process, from mobile fieldwork to advanced business intelligence and map tools.