(11/11/2013 / sha)

Favini & Sequana: Partnership on casting release papers

Favini and Arjowiggins, part of Sequana, the French listed paper group, have entered today into an agreement for the transfer of the casting papers business from Arjowiggins Creative Papers to Favini.


Favini will take over the commercial organization and the market share of Arjo Wiggins casting papers and Arjo Wiggins will supply in the long term semi-finished products to Favini. Favini will also acquire the machineries involved in the finishing of casting papers currently run in the Arjo Wiggins mill in Stoneywood, increasing its production capacity.

Through this transaction Favini will become the worldwide leader in one of the highest value added sector of the paper manufacturing business, with almost EUR 75 million of sales in the release papers niche. The broad commercial offer of Favini will achieve over 200 different patterns and finishing solutions, to address almost any design need.

Andrea Nappa, CEO of Favini and partner of Orlando Italy said: "We are proud of having achieved an important consolidation in the market; the integration of the two players will ensure to Favini a wider market coverage worldwide and will provide the opportunity to benefit from industrial synergies and scale economies, which will make Favini an even stronger player in the specialty paper industry, with almost 165 million euro in sales, 90 million euro of which addressed at niches such as luxury packaging, security papers, high quality communication and stationery, besides casting release papers which will represent about 75 million euro in sales. We also trustful that the long term manufacturing and supply agreement signed with Arjowiggins Creative Papers will allow both companies to benefit from this consolidation".
According to Favini, the consideration include an evaluation of the business line acquired of EUR 26.5 million and commercial arrangements on future supplies.