(12/09/2013 / sha)

Södra: Opening European Service Center in Munich

Södra Cell will open a European service center in Munich during the coming year. The new Södra European Service Center in Munich will function as an administrative hub for customer service in Europe. The existing national offices will be phased out, but the sales directors will retain their respective key customer contacts as well as their geographic responsibilities.



”Within the new organisation we will be able to spend more time with customers and develop our service offer,” says Magnus Björkman, President of Södra Cell International.

The new order is very natural in relation to Södra Cell´s customers, the big ones as well as the small, as many of them are already organised in global business areas with joint administration. ”Our customers will need to deal with fewer interfaces within Södra and benefit from more cost effective business processes,” says Björkman. ”A modern and effective sales organisation will also ensure we are prepared to manage increasing pulp volumes to come,” he added.

The existing marketing offices in London, Paris, Hamburg, Basle and Milan will be phased out during the coming year. ”In a process of change like this, there will of course be consequences for some of our staff. We will try to find favourable solutions for them,” says Björkman.