As the first Swedish listed company, SCA has raised SEK 1.5 bn through a green bond issue. The bond proceeds will be used for investments in projects with a positive environmental impact.
The bond, which is denominated in Swedish krona (SEK), has a five-year tenor and is issued under the company’s EMTN (Euro Medium Term Note) program. The bond has two tranches. One tranche 1 billion floating rate note, priced at three-month STIBOR +0,68% annually and one SEK 500m fixed rate tranche with an annual coupon of 2,5%. SCA’s green bond offer was oversubscribed. The bond was placed with approximately 30 investors.
For SCA, the globally leading hygiene and forest products company, sustainability is a crucial and natural part of the business model. “SCA’s sustainability activities are based on the creation of financial, environmental and social value. Each of these components holds equal importance in the drive to create a successful company. SCA’s position as the first listed company in Sweden to offer a green bond is further confirmation of how important and highly prioritized our sustainability work is,” says Jan Johansson, President and CEO of SCA.
Examples of investment areas for SCA’s green bonds are renewable energy and energy efficiency.