(05/02/2014 / sha)

APP: Announcing conservation of 1 mio ha of Indonesian rainforest

Asia Pulp and Paper Group (APP) has announced a plan to restore and support the conservation of one million hectares of rainforest across Indonesia.


Acconding to APP, this ground-breaking initiative has been developed with input from many stakeholders, including WWF, Greenpeace and NGO members of APP’s Solutions Working Group.

This announcement comes just over a year after APP launched its sector-leading Forest Conservation Policy (FCP), which, according to APP, saw an immediate and permanent cessation of natural forest clearance across its supply chain. Aida Greenbury, APP’s managing director of sustainability, said: “After over a year of implementing our FCP, it has become clear that the key to success of any efforts to halt deforestation in Indonesia is a landscape level approach to forest restoration and conservation. We believe that by assessing entire landscapes and creating clear tailor made objectives and strategies, the maximum possible level of conservation will be achieved, not just for natural forest in our concessions, but for areas around them as well.”

APP is currently in consultation with WWF and other stakeholders, to develop plans for identified priority landscapes in which APP and its suppliers have commercial forestry-based operations, which will then be implemented by the company in close collaboration with other relevant players in the landscape.