The Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI) released today its 2013 Key Statistics, drawing a clear picture of the industry’s performance last year.
CEPI members produced 91.1 million t of paper and board in 2013. This is a decrease of 1.2% (1.1 million t) compared to 2012. 2013 is the third consecutive year paper and board production has declined, since the rebound registered in 2010. Total pulp production fell by 2.2% but market pulp output increased by 1.3%. On a positive note, CEPI countries maintained a positive trade balance for paper and board (exports exceeding imports) of 14.8 million t.
The graphic paper sector share of all paper and board produced in Europe dropped to 41.9% in 2013. In contrast, the share of the packaging grades and sanitary and household papers is continuously growing and in 2013 represented 45.9% and 7.7% respectively of all paper and board produced in Europe.