The purpose of Forest Inventory is to measure wood stocks, give prognosis and diagnosis of productive process through data collection and statistical models, allowing the investors to check one of the main result drivers of forestry asset investment: the productivity.In order to achieve profitability with a forest investment, three great levers must be pulled with competence: the market, formation costs and forest productivity.
Innovatech deploys the Forestry Inventory System of Inflor to manage the forestry assets of Group Asperbras. The solution performs comparisons between stands, evaluates performance, management and costs, which makes Forest Inventory one of the most valuable tools, not only to measure but also to take tactical and strategic decisions really quickly and effectively.
According to Luiz Fellipe Arcalá, Business Head of Innovatech, the proposal is to insert the Forest Inventory as a specialist process inside the value chain.
“It’s not enough to measure the productivity, with models and prognosis, it is necessary to treat this process as part of planning, control and analysis processes. It is necessary to embed the results of forestry productivity into management’s Big Data, providing stable diagnosis, from planning until verification of stand’s wood costs, for performance analysis and return on investment”, explains Luiz Fellipe Arcalá.
Arcalá also points out that Inflor’s Inventory System was the ideal solution for its management model since it has great synergy with the project’s database, directly integrated with forestry register, allowing planning, controlling and integration with the module of costs.
About Asperbas Group
The newest business segment of Group Asperbras is the production of eucalyptus, which will supply a factory of wood panels (MDF). The factory is currently under construction in Água Clara, in Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul and the estimative to start its operations is 2017. This industrial unity will receive raw material from the company’s plantations and should produce, in its first phase, 220 thousand cubic meters of MDF. The plant will have capacity to produce, in its second phase, 460 thousand cubic meters yearly. To meet the demand, the company counts with 12 thousand planted hectares, strategically located at the same region where will be installed the industrial plant. For further information please visit:
About Innovatech
Innovatech is a management and consulting company focused on forestry business and agribusiness, based on pillars of constant innovation, new technologies, knowledge of and sustainable relationships with stakeholders. With project management models and innovative consultancies, Innovatech aggregates value to agroforestry sector, bringing methodologies and processes even more effectives and optimized for the business value chain. For further information please visit: