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You would like to know...

what the Roadmap 2050 "Unfold the Future" is all about and what it means for our industry?

Then follow our panel discussion on Wednesday, June 27th at 2:30 pm in hall 5 of the Rhine Main Halls!

The panel includes:
  • Teresa Presas, Managing Director, CEPI, Brussels (B)
  • Dr. Hans Peter Sollinger, Chairman of the Board, Voith Paper, Heidenheim
  • Pasi Laine, President Metso Paper and Fiber, Helsinki (FIN)
  • Dr. Christopher Grünewald, Entrepreneur, Paper Industry, Kirchundem
  • Dr. Hartmut Wurster, Board, UPM, Augsburg
  • Dr. Uwe Liebelt, President, BASF Paper Chemicals, Ludwigshafen
  • Dr. Frank Miletzky, Board, PTS, München
  • und als Moderator: Ekhard Beuleke, Head of Group of Sustainability, Omya Oftringen (CH)

...and you also should know,

that 231 exhibitors with new information and competent experts are waiting to talk to you and explain how they can possibly help you.

that precisely the middle management and the young engineers of the paper industry are sought as experts of the trade by these exhibitors. To the benefit of your company they can increase their knowledge base and can establish a network that can help them in their function as a leader in their company.

that the ‘Sommerabend’ or Summer Evening will take place in the Rhine Main Hall 10, the Diana-Foyer and in Room 7 and will provide amazing entertainment – including the European Soccer Championship.

that Zellcheming and their activities, especially their Annual Meeting and Expo will meet current market demands. What will happen after 2013 will be announced at this year’s event.

We look forward to seeing you and wish you a good journey!