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  Contact www.ipwonline.de Imprint October 16

Dear ipw reader,

below, please find recent news from our website to keep you informed in-beween our printed issues. Our current surface issue is on its way to you now, with articles on coating and surface treatment and nanotechnology. (Click here to subscribe.)

Last Thursday, during the Frankfurt Book Fair, we held the award ceremony for our annual 'haptic award'. The winners displayed inspiring examples of incorporating haptic elements to support a visual message.  Being able to see and feel an idea trying to be conveyed, can be achieved especially well with paper. To read the press release and see the winners, see www.paperazzo.de.

We hope to see you at MIAC this week or at another event soon!

With best regards,

your ipw team

Sappi: Consultations regarding future of Nijmegen mill

To return its European operations to profitability, Sappi has undertaken a review of its European production assets and has identified the need to concentrate its production at fewer sites. Exhaustive analysis has indicated that the preferred option would be to relocate the entire production of Nijmegen Mill to other Sappi mills in Europe.
Tieto: New ERP system to Stora Enso

Tieto and Stora Enso have agreed on building a new ERP system for Stora Enso Wood Supply Finland. The system will cover all the main processes of Stora Enso Wood Supply Finland, including forest owner services, purchasing, harvesting and logistics. With the new system, Stora Enso will improve both its cost-effectiveness and the services for mills, customers and forest owners.
Allimand: New show press pilot installed

Allimand continues its dynamic growth and develops its R&D skills by manufacturing a new shoe press pilot designed to optimize the performance of the paper sheet pressing and save energy. This new pilot named Faros is installed on the companies industrial site in Rives, France, and its parts are also manufactured on an industrial scale.
E.C.H. Will, Kugler-Womako and holding company Papersystems leave insolvency protection proceedings

Papersystems Holding and the two companies E.C.H. Will and Kugler-Womako officially left the insolvency protection proceedings that were put in place end of June.
Sappi Maastricht: Improved non-contact drying saves 50% gas

Since autumn 2012, SAPPI Maastricht has been using the energy-efficient Voith qDry Pro concept for non-contact drying. Peter Pijpers, Manager of Process Technology and Engineering at Sappi Maastricht, is delighted with the increase of energy efficiency: "Almost directly after start-up, the savings were visible, and after only a few weeks, the savings exceeded our expectations." The gas savings amount to approx. 50%.
UPM: Sale of Aigrefeuille further processing mill completed

UPM has completed the sale of further processing business in Aigrefeuille d’Aunis, Western France, to Groupe FP Bois. UPM announced in July 2013 the conditional offer received for the Aigrefeuille mill.
UPM: Fray Bentos mill allowed to increase production

The State of Uruguay has granted permission for UPM Fray Bentos mill to increase its annual pulp production from the current 1.1 million to 1.2 million tonnes.
Metso: Recausticizing plant rebuild to Stora Enso Skoghall

Metso will supply an upgrade of the existing recausticizing plant at Stora Enso Skoghall in Sweden. The start-up is scheduled in October 2014. The value of the order will not be disclosed.
Georgia-Pacific: CEO joins Board of Sustainable Forestry Initiative

Three leaders have been elected to the independent Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc. (SFI) Board of Directors, to fill positions in each of its three chambers, Environmental, Social and Economic. Amongst them: James Hannan, CEO and President of Georgia-Pacific
Voith: EPRC award for flotation technology

On October 2, the European Recovered Paper Council (ERPC) announced the winners of the fourth European Paper Recycling Awards. The LowEnergyFlotation (LEF) from Voith was the winner of the “Technology Improvement and R&D” category. The well-attended ceremony took place at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.