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  Contact www.ipwonline.de Imprint April 14

Stefan Breitenfeld
Dear ipw reader,

below please find a selection of the latest news from the world of pulp and paper.


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ANDRITZ starts up new HERB recovery boiler at Kuantum Papers, India

International technology Group ANDRITZ has successfully started up a new 500 t/d HERB chemical recovery boiler at Kuantum Papers Limited in Saila Khurd, Hoshiapur district in the state of Punjab, India. The boiler is designed to handle a mixture of hardwood and agro-based black liquor and enables environmentally friendly and more energy-efficient operation compared to a conventional boiler with direct contact evaporator. Thus, the mill’s pulp production as well as the power-to-heat-ratio are substantially increased. The boiler also features a unique vertical air system to minimize air emissions.


Toscotec accomplishes a dryer section rebuild at Cartiera di Ferrara, Italy

After a complete dryer section rebuild supplied by Toscotec, Cartiera di Ferrara fired up PM1 at its mill in Ferrara, Italy. Toscotec modified the entire dryer section, without changing its overall length and therefore leaving the positions of the press and the pope reel unchanged. This allowed for a very short shutdowntime because civil works were not necessary to achieve the planned production increase. The paper machine achieved stable production immediately after start-up.


Maxco expands production with new facility

BW Papersystems has confirmed that Maxco Packaging, independent manufacturer of corrugated packaging for the agricultural market in the San Joaquin Valley, has installed a 2.5m (98”) triplewall corrugator in their newly-built facility in Fowler, CA.


ABB to supply automated paper testing solution to drive efficiencies at Metsä Board mills in Finland

ABB will provide the paperboard producer Metsä Board with its L&W Autoline automated paper testing solution at five of the group’s mills in Finland: Kemi, Kyro, Simpele, Tako and Äänekoski. Metsä Board is standardizing its operations with ABB’s L&W Autoline, which has a recently enhanced design that requires less service while increasing uptime. Plus, L&W Autoline measures according to testing standards, minimizing the needs for correlation to lab instruments.


Voith rebuilds complete PM 5 of PAPRESA

PAPRESA, southern European manufacturer of newsprint, commissioned Voith in March to completely rebuild PM 5 at the Rentería mill in Spain. The start-up of the ambitious project is scheduled for the first quarter of 2022. Subsequently, the extensive rebuild will enable significantly more efficient and sustainable production of packaging paper.


Valmet introduces Maintenance Operations Agreement

As part of “Valmet’s way to serve” concept for the best customer experience at all the touchpoints of the lifecycle, Valmet is introducing Maintenance Operations Agreement. Valmet offers the service agreement for development and outsourcing of mill and plant maintenance operations for energy, pulp, paper, board and tissue customers.


ANDRITZ signs industrial maintenance contract with LD Celulose S.A.

Sindus ANDRITZ Ltda., part of international technology Group ANDRITZ, has received an order from LD Celulose S.A. to provide industrial maintenance services for their new mill in the city of Indianópolis, Brazil. The contract has a contract term of approximately six years and covers full maintenance of all mill areas.


Metsä Group to renew its ERP system

Metsä Group will be renewing its ERP solution in 2021–2025. The large-scale EUR 150 million project aims to harmonise the Group’s current ERP solutions with a unified modern solution. It supports management of the Group as a one company with unified processes.


Sappi Europe announces price rise for all graphical paper grades for export markets by 8-11%

Sappi Europe announces a price increase for all its mechanical coated, woodfree coated and woodfree uncoated paper grades by 8 – 11 % with immediate effect as contracts permit for its export markets. This is in addition to the previously announced and implemented increases.


Toscotec-supplied turnkey tissue line achieves top speed at Paloma

The AHEAD 2.2L tissue machine supplied by Toscotec to the Slovenian tissue producer Paloma has achieved its top speed and performance at Sladki Vrh mill. Paloma d.d., part of the Slovak Hygienic Paper (SHP) Group, purchased its new line from Toscotec on a turnkey basis and has confirmed that the machine has fulfilled all the conditions for take over acceptance.


Bedford Paper invests in third tissue-converting line from PCMC

Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), part of Barry-Wehmiller and a tissue-converting equipment provider, has announced the sale of a third tissue-converting line to Bedford Paper, a De Pere, Wisconsin-based manufacturer of high-quality paper products.


ABB launches Paper Quality Performance

Paper Quality Performance, a new digital service that identifies, tracks and analyzes current and changing trends in paper variability, has been released by ABB. It will enable optimization of quality properties measured by Quality Control Systems (QCS) during all operational conditions.


Marco Eikelenboom takes over as Chief Executive Officer of Sappi Europe

Sappi Limited announced on 3 December that Marco Eikelenboom (53), previously Vice President Marketing & Sales, Graphic Papers at Sappi Europe, had been appointed as CEO of Sappi Europe as from 1 April 2021. Marco Eikelenboom succeeds Berry Wiersum (65), a 40-year veteran of the industry in Europe, who retired at the end of March 2021.
