UPM has become member of RSB, the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials. RSB is a global standard and certification scheme for sustainable production of biomaterials and biofuels. It is also an independent multi-stakeholder coalition, which works to support the sustainability of biomaterials.
RSB is considered one of the strongest sustainability schemes, verifying that biomaterials are ethical, sustainable, and credibly sourced. It is also one of the EU approved voluntary schemes for biofuels to show compliance with sustainability requirements set for the production of biofuels in the EU's Renewable Energy Directive. UPM sees great potential in RSB and is keen to be part of the future development of the scheme.
"RSB Membership is a step forward for UPM Biofuels to further engage sustainability. We are committed to strengthening our performance in sustainability and promoting standards that provide tools and methods to bring it into action," says Sari Mannonen, Head of UPM Biofuels.
RSB membership is a natural next step for UPM's previous work with the certification scheme. Together with WWF Finland, UPM has conducted a feasibility study on RSB certification for UPM's biofuel production. It concluded that RSB is a feasible certification system for UPM BioVerno which is based on the use of our own industry's residue, crude tall oil.
UPM Biofuels is also a member of ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification), another strong sustainability scheme for biomaterials and biofuels.