(03.07.2017 / rkj)

Delfort introduces non-fluorinated packaging paper

delfort, expands its portfolio with a fluorochemical-free, oil and grease-resistant packaging paper namely thinbarrierĀ® OGR eco. thinbarrierĀ® OGR eco performs with excellent oil and grease-repellant properties and is, at the same time, environmentally friendly.

QSR’s and the food service industry are increasingly requesting fluorochemical-free alternatives for food packaging that outperform the existing fluorine treated papers in both sustainability and functionality. Papers used for direct wrapping or packing of grease-containing food products such as hamburgers, wraps, french fries, soup cubes and many more, require added barriers to keep oil and grease from seeping through the packaging.

“thinbarrier® OGR eco is an excellent alternative to fluorine containing packaging papers with superior converting properties,” says Christoph Wachter, head of business area ecopac at delfort. This solution is tailor-made for oil and grease resistant consumer packaging due to its lipophobic properties. The machine-finished paper is available in a basis weight range of 35 - 46 g/m².

thinbarrier® OGR eco is highly eco-friendly. Produced from renewable resources, thinbarrier® OGR eco paper is biodegradable and both compostable and recyclable in those areas where composting and recycling facilities are available. The eco-friendly coating is free from fossil based raw materials and any substances derived from animals. Additionally all raw materials are of GMO (genetically manipulated organism) free origin.

thinbarrier® OGR eco complies with the requirements for direct food contact applications of both the German Federal Institute for Risk Evaluation (BfR) and the US American regulatory agency FDA.