With its barrier papers Feldmuehle Uetersen GmbH offers food producers the possibility to protect their products effectively against pollutants by mineral oil residues. Peter Kölln GmbH und Co. KGaA relies on this solution and uses the material in the packaging of its oat flakes – without any visible changes to the classic paper bag.
The MOB - Liner is a flexible packaging paper made of virgin fibre material that has been specially developed for the requirements of paper - based packaging solutions. Thus, Feldmuehle shows that effective protection against mineral oil migration can be integrated into food packaging without the u se of film and composite materials. "Brand owner s that want to make further progress in the area of food safety have an effective and well - proven product available in the form of the mineral oil barrier paper from Feldmuehle", says Eckhard Kallies, who is re sponsible for the company's Packaging Solutions business area .
P eter Kölln GmbH & Co. KGaA, the leading manufacturer of oat flakes and breakfast cereals in Germany, has been using the barrier paper from Feldmuehle as a standard material for the inner bag o f the well - known Köllnflocken since 2015.
MOB paper convinces in all customer requirements
“The safety of our food has top priority for Kölln. That's why we proactively looked for a solution to reliably protect our oatmeal from harmful environmental influ ences on the way from production to trade and the consumer," says Robert Bethke, head of packaging purchasing at Kölln .
In addition to the protective function, the material also had to meet a number of other criteria: "The prerequisite was to maintain the well - known traditional packaging, which underlines the natural character of our product and is part of the brand identity of Köllnflocken". Moreover , the existing filling lines were to continue to be used unchanged; the trouble - free operation during pouch production and filling was a key requirement for the paper. Also the gluing of the bag with the new paper layer should work as usual. "With Feldmuehle, we have a partner who has adapted to us and whose product meets all our requirements", says Robert Bethke.