(01.11.2018 / sbr)

Tunadal’s new planing mill inauguration – an investment of 80 million SEK

SCA Woods new planing mill at Tunadal was on Wednesday, 31st of October, inaugurated. The investment in Tunadals planing mill of 80 million SEK means increased productivity and better prerequisites for product development and innovations.

The new planing mill "comes with a lot of benefits": with new raw material intake, new splitting line and new packaging line SCA's productivity increases and with the new technology, the pace of the product development and innovations also increases. Today, cladding, studs and roofpanels are produced, all made of spruce from the northern Sweden, at the planning mill at Tunadal. From now on cladding will be one of the main products.

"With this investment we can meet our customers needs and offer them more competitive products", says Joakim Nehrer, Sales- and marketing director Scandinavia at SCA Wood.

This milestone is an important part for both Tunadal’s and SCA's development. The previous band saw has been replaced with a split saw which creates a more homogeneous surface. This surface contributes to decreased waste of paint, which is totally in line with our sustainability work.

"We have more than doubled our capacity with our new planing mill. And it feels good that the residues from the process become pellets. This pellets goes back to SCA's value chain and becomes heat at Ortviken and Östrands mills", says Anna Schönström, manager at Tunadals planning mill.

During the inauguration Jerry Larsson, the president of SCA Wood, gave a speech and the guest got a guided tour at the new planning mill.