Voith, a full-line supplier to the papermaking industry, was recently awarded a silver medal in the category of manufacture of special-purpose machinery in EcoVadis' sustainability management assessment. EcoVadis is internationally acknowledged for its sustainability ratings on global supply chains and has already assessed more than 300 companies in 150 countries.
To compose the companies’ scores, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assessment system examines 21 criteria grouped into four major themes: environment, labor practices & human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.
In addition to the data and documents shared by participating companies, the audit also collects information and opinions from stakeholders using the complementary 360° observation screening, which seeks to broaden the assessment of companies’ ethical conduct, as well as their social and environmental management. The audit process also reviewed more than 100,000 sources, including the media, government, unions, NGOs and other business networks.
EcoVadis' methodology complies with the ISO 26000 corporate social responsibility standard and is also referenced by international guidelines of the United Nations Global Compact and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
The solutions, services and products Voith delivers to its customers reflect its ongoing efforts to achieve an increasingly sustainable operating cycle within the company. The award also reflects the company's commitment to the improvement, efficiency and evolution of its management and business practices.