(21.05.2020 / sbr)

FreeForm Packaging AB launches high barrier solution

FreeForm packaging has launched a new paper based high barrier solution. The high barrier has a thin layer that protects the packaging against oxygen transition and is environmentally friendly. Up until now FreeForm Packaging has only been able to sell a non-barrier solution, but as a result of the new oxygen-impermeable packaging, they are also able to offer packaging with good OTR and WVTR values.

“This is an important step for us and a very long-awaited solution,” says Danevert Åsbrink, CEO of FreeForm Packaging AB, “since the need for protecting goods in paper-based packaging has increased a great deal in recent years. The first European “high barrier” FreeFormPack® Machine will be installed after the summer, which is very exciting,” adds Danevert.

The FreeFormPack® high barrier has a thin layer of EVOH, giving the packaging extra protection against oxygen transition from the outside and making it possible to pack products in a modified atmosphere. FreeFormPack aims to help products stand out on the store shelves, and with the new high barrier solution, FreeForm Packaging can offer extra protection for products that need to have a longer shelf life.

FreeForm Packaging AB is a Swedish company owned by CURTI (Italy) and BillerudKorsnäs AB (Sweden). With the FreeFormPack® Machine by CURTI and the FreeFormPack® Laminate, based on FibreForm® from BillerudKorsnäs in Sweden, the company offers customers more environmentally sound packaging compared to plastic.