(22.07.2020 / sbr)

Sappi Europe Alfeld Mill PM 3 update

Sappi Europe is very happy to report that its Alfeld site PM 3 is operational again as of the 20th of July, significantly ahead of the planned restart date. As previously reported the largest area of reconstruction focused on the machine hall with limited damage to the machine.

The  repair work was carried out by an excellent team of internal and external workers and Sappi's thanks go out to them for their efficiency and most importantly for their safe and pragmatic approach. The teams at Sappi's Carmignano mill are also to be thanked for offering a back up solution which was quickly put in place while therepairs were conducted.

“The procedures to start up PM 3 have gone to plan and all new production runs have been carefully evaluated to ensure that we maintain our quality levels and that they remain fully in line with our existing specifications. Our customers have shown great loyalty and understanding during an already difficult period and we are glad to say that all grades from PM 3 are now available again.”