CEPI – the Confederation of European Paper Industries – is giving innovation a head start by launching the Two Team Project. It consists of two competing teams that include experts, scientists, manufacturers, suppliers and representatives of the pulp and paper industry and other sectors.
Applying a unique method of open innovation, both teams are set to identify breakthrough concepts of technologies and processes that make the current pulp and paper manufacturing process more efficient and create more value.
Breakthrough technologies are at the heart of CEPI’s ‘2050 Roadmap to a low-carbon bio-economy’ report. A successful delivery on the two objectives of the roadmap – namely 80% decarbonisation of the industry and 50% value creation in 2050 – is only possible when breakthrough technologies are available by 2030.
The teams are urged to think out of the box, outside their comfort zone. The final concepts will need to be creative, innovative and imaginative. Breakthrough technologies are new concepts; new ways of thinking that go beyond current borders.
Both teams are looking for maximum support from passionate stakeholders within the pulp and paper industry, but also from beyond the sector. Everyone with a creative idea and an enthusiastic mind-set is called upon to submit ideas and to contribute to designing the future pulp and paper mill.
Follow the progress at: http://www.unfoldthefuture.eu