(28.10.2013 / sha)

Research project to replace cotton and polyester by wood based fibers

A research project launched by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Aalto University and Tampere University of Technology aims to create new business models and ecosystems in Finland through design-driven cellulose products.


The joint research project is called Design Driven Value Chains in the World of Cellulose (DWoC). The objective is to develop cellulose-based products suitable for technical textiles and consumer products. The technology could also find use in the pharmaceutical, food and automotive industries. Another objective is to build a new business ecosystem and promote spin-offs.

The breakthrough for these new products and services is expected to take a few years. State-of-the-art cellulose processing technologies could generate production value of up to EUR two to three billion in Finland's forestry, textile and mechanical engineering industries, and in entirely new business sectors.

This is one of two strategic projects launched by Tekes – Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation intended to help transform Finnish business life. The project received nearly EUR 3 million in funding from Tekes for the opening research stages in 2013–2015.