(07.04.2014 / sha)

BillerudKorsnäs: Improving efficiency through Tieto solution

Packaging material company BillerudKorsnäs AB has signed a multi-year agreement with Tieto regarding the integration and implementation of the Tieto Integrated Paper Solution (TIPS) business system, which has been customized for the packaging industry.

"Tieto has a sound knowledge of the industry, and this standardized solution will help ensure we can provide even better service to our customers," says Johan Fahlroth, Director Supply Chain Customer Service, BillerudKorsnäs. "The solution will also enable us to reduce our IT costs, increase efficiency and simplify integration in relation to our customers, transport providers and suppliers."

The agreement was signed in February, and the project is estimated to be completed during the second half of 2016. Apart from implementation, the project also involves upgrading the existing TIPS solution, training key users, providing support and carrying out project management for orders.

TIPS is a centralized sales and planning system that integrates business, planning and production processes in real time. The BillerudKorsnäs solution covers Customer Service Centers all over the world, and paper and board mills in Sweden, Finland and the UK.