In a festive ceremony on April 23, which was also attended by Sigmar Gabriel, Germany’s Vice Chancellor and Economic Affairs Minister, Voith has opened the Voith China Training Center.
The center for vocational training and further education in Kunshan (about 80 km north-west of Shanghai) is the largest training facility of the company outside Germany. Voith will be using it to train qualified employees for the Chinese market and thus significantly widen its local presence.
With the Voith China Training Center, Voith will be introducing the dual vocational education system based on the German model in China. Voith customers and partners of local companies may in future also utilize the Voith Training Center for the further qualification of their workforce.
The investment volume of the Voith China Training Center amounts to about EUR 8.5 million of which about EUR 1.8 million are covered by the city of Kunshan.