(26.06.2014 / sha)

Voith: Highest performing machine for ivory board worldwide

APP Guangxi mill, China, produces high-quality ivory board made of 100% virgin fibers on the BM 1 supplied by Voith. The production line went into operation at the beginning of 2013 and is the highest performing board machine for ivory board worldwide.

Taking into account the very high requirements for board quality, Voith delivered the entire production line – from the wet end process to the winder. The Guangxi BM 1 with a wire width of 8,750 mm, a design speed of 1,400 m/min and a production capacity of 1,200,000 t/y is based on proven components and products that have been successfully used many times.

The three-layer former concept with the newly developed DuoFormer D II provides for an optimal dewatering capacity and production speed. In the press section, the triple NipcoFlex press allows the highest dry content and thus low energy use. In addition, an excellent level of smoothness with a closed web run and thus extremely good runability are achieved by this press concept. The outstanding surface quality and printability is essentially determined by pre-calendering of the unprocessed board before the coating machine. The innovative concept with the EcoCal Plus calender combines for the first time worldwide an oil-heated hard nip calender with an external induction heating system and an upstream nozzle moisturizer. Very good surface quality is achieved by the use of DynaCoat AT coating units. An EcoSoft Delta calender with two soft nips on the printed side is used before the reel for the first time so as to ensure a very uniform surface quality and improved board gloss. Then the board is wound in a gentle and controlled manner with the Sirius and processed with the VariFlex winder into paper rolls. Also included in Voith’s delivery were the chemical preparation, automation of the entire process and the system engineering.