(22.07.2014 / sha)

EFPRO/CEPI: Open call for Early Stage Researcher Workshop

The very positive responses to last year’s 2nd joint EFPRO - CEPI Early Stage Researcher Workshop motivated EFPRO and CEPI to again organize this platform during this year’s European Paper Week (EWP 2014) which will take place between November 25th - 27th at the EU Thon Hotel in Brussels.


CEPI & EFPRO would like to encourage young researchers to report on R&D activities be it on innovative products, improved technologies, advanced analytics or any other subject aiming at strengthening the position and the future role of the European paper industry and to discuss these with colleagues from all across Europe and with industry representatives. The target group are Early Stage Researchers from the science community and from industry, i.e. universities, research organizations and companies.

All speakers will be granted free access to the open programme of European Paper Week 2014.
The application procedure is rather simple: interested scientists are invited to fill out and submit the application form (attached and available at with a CV, an abstract of her/his presentation (max. one A4 page) and a supporting/approving letter from his/her home organization.

Applications need to be sent to the Secretary General of EFPRO ( not later than 15.08.2014.