(26.08.2014 / sha)

Voith: New virgin pulp rotor reduces energy consumption by up to 30%

Voith has brought a new IPV Rotor for virgin pulp onto the market. The new component has already proven itself for some months under mill conditions and shows its strengths here: energy consumption of the new rotor can be up to 30% less than that of conventional technologies.


The IPV Rotor is part of the LowEnergy rotor family and was developed for application in the IntensaPulper (IP) by Voith as well as a retrofit component for existing Voith pulper and third party systems for processing virgin pulp (V). But the rotor can also be used to slush other clean raw materials like broke or fresh fiber.

The substantial reduction in energy consumption of up to 30% is achieved by an innovative design that improves the flow characteristics inside the pulper. In addition, the pulping process can be further improved through integration of a so-called bale breaker. The bale breaker loosens the hard-pressed pulp bales before the actual dissolution in the pulper and thus disburdens the rotor, which has a further positive effect on energy consumption.

In the installations operating in the market, energy reductions range up to 4 kWh/t, depending on the raw material in use.