A suction roll with a SolarFlow polyurethane cover from Voith has had its first maintenance after almost four years. The manufacturer of fine paper that owns the roll has called the running time of exactly 1,438 days between two grinding intervals a potential record-breaker. Suction rolls with other covers would often only manage a quarter of this running time.
“We only achieved such a remarkable long running time between two grinding intervals thanks to high performance roll covers combined with regular and comprehensive service,” adds Jochen Honold, Global Product Manager Mechanical Roll Service.
The suction roll was completely dismantled at the Voith Service Center in Ravensburg. This is a standardized procedure that ensures that the causes of signs of wear are discovered and can be rectified. “We perform a weak point analysis for each roll that we get for service. This means that we can save our customers future repairs,” says Alexander Reutlinger, Head of the Voith Service Center in Ravensburg.
The SolarFlow polyurethane roll cover allows a maximized void volume, which is maintained over a long installation period due to its unique material properties. This enables stable nip conditions, therefore fast machine speeds with a high dry content and at the same time low energy consumption.