(04.03.2015 / rkj)

KCL aquires Labtium fiber and paper laboratory

KCL expanded its portfolio of operational services with the acquisition of the fiber and paper laboratory in Espoo from Labtium Oy. In early February, the acquired fiber and testing laboratory will be merged with KCL's existing facilities, thus providing both pilot plant and laboratory scale testing in a single centralized location under KCL's supervision.

KCL is an expert in pilot scale services and will now also be able to offer testing and laboratory analyses to the pulp and paper industry and its suppliers. By centralizing the laboratory services into KCL will bring customers multiple benefits by providing a more diverse portfolio and range of testing services starting from raw material ending up with the printed end product.

The acquisition of the laboratory enhances testing and quality control of raw material, fibers, paper, board and packaging materials. In addition the laboratory complements KCL's pilot services supporting customers' development of products and processes. Notably, the laboratory will also offer simulation of mill refining, troubleshooting analyses and provides quality assurance material for checking of paper and board testing device and CEPI-comparative testing material.

"The synergies of this acquisition strengthen and increase our current range of services for our customers. We will continue to provide our world-class services to the forest and chemical industries with both pilot plant and laboratory scale testing. Moreover, the discovery of new, sustainable and innovative products as a result of testing continues and our commitment to nurture and develop our core business will continue," says KCL's Raimo Pollari, Pilot Plant Director.

KCL's objective is to make cooperation with its customers easy and centralized. "We want to ensure our cooperation with customers as easy as possible by providing all the needed pilot scale and laboratory testing services from the same provider by using the best industry practices and standards that are cost effective and efficient," says Pollari.