(05.11.2015 / rkj)

BillerudKorsnäs included in the WWF Environmental Paper Company Index

BillerudKorsnäs is recognized by World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) for leadership in transparency by disclosing its ecological footprint in the WWF Environmental Paper Company Index 2015 (EPCI). This years’ Index shows a positive trend towards more transparency and sustainability in the industry.

“BillerudKorsnäs believes that transparency is important for promoting sustainability in the value chain. It is also a tool in providing stakeholders with information for their evaluation of the company's performance. Our high scoring in the category Transparency shows that we are on track for a sustainable future.” says Louise Wohrne, Sustainability Developer, BillerudKorsnäs AB. 

“The pulp and paper industry has the potential to contribute to a greener economy. The EPCI 2015 signals progress in that direction, at least by the industry’s most transparent companies,” says Emmanuelle Neyroumande, Pulp and Paper Global Manager at WWF International.

BillerudKorsnäs scored 78 % (max 100) for transparency as shown by reporting and environmental management systems. In the product category Packaging BillerudKorsnäs AB achieved 70.6 %, compared to the latest survey an improvement by five percentage points. It is especially acknowledged that BillerudKorsnäs' emissions of greenhouse gas have decreased substantially since the last report.

A total of 31 of the initially invited 80 companies choose to participate in EPCI 2015. Participants represent the ecological footprint of 7% of the words packaging paper, 15% of the world´s paper and board and 15% of the world´s pulp. BillerudKorsnäs has participated in EPCI since 2011.


Read the report here: