Felix Schoeller Digital Media, a business unit of the Felix Schoeller Group, Osnabrück, is once again expanding its extensive product portfolio. It is adding the Silver Digital brand to its E-PHOTO paper product family, which is already well established in the market.
The Silver Digital papers, which have FSC and HP Indigo certification, are available immediately in a glossy or matt finish and in grammages of 130 to 300 g/m².
Silver Digital papers were the very first digital printing papers to be specially developed and certified for HP Indigo presses. Over the last two years, they had virtually disappeared from the market, which all the users who knew and valued the quality and good workability of these sophisticated papers were very disappointed about. The fact that Silver Digital papers are available once more is not least thanks to an initiative of the Felix Schoeller Group, who will market them exclusively worldwide. “For all the people who know and love these high-end papers, the time of waiting is now over. We are very proud to be able to add Silver Digital papers to our portfolio, enabling us to offer our customers an even broader range of high-calibre electrophotographic papers”, said Thomas Leifert, General Manager of the Felix Schoeller Digital Media Business Unit.
These high-end digital printing papers are made of a base paper that is double-coated on both sides. The papers can be used both on HP Indigo presses and dry toner presses and are ideal for high-quality photo books, greeting cards, calendars and brochures. One of the features of Silver Digital papers that users value so highly include their good printability, which produces excellent uniform print results. Their high white finish also results in contrast-rich prints and their good workability properties improve productivity.