Klopman, a global player in the production of high-performance fabrics for workwear, protectivewear, and casual apparel, is proud to announce a major milestone in its commitment to sustainability. From today, 100% of the energy used in all Klopman production processes will be derived exclusively from hydroelectric sources. The company is carrying out LCA – Lyfecycle Assessments on all its fabrics and the introduction of this major implementation will bring a benefit between 6 and 8% in the products Carbon Footprint (depending on the fabric).
Valmet will modernize the automation system at KSS Energia’s Verla 2 hydropower plant in Kouvola, Finland. The Valmet DNA Hydro Turbine Automation will replace an obsolete third-party system on the site. The new automation system plays a crucial role in improving the operational reliability of the hydropower plant. The order was included in Valmet’s orders received of the fourth quarter 2024. The value of the order will not be disclosed. The delivery will be taken over by the customer in December 2025.
Valmet is to supply the modernization of ŠKO-Energo’s heating plant in Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic. The project includes converting the two existing circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers from coal to biomass and delivering a new bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) boiler. The order also includes a flue gas cleaning system for the new boiler and modifications to the flue gas cleaning systems of the upgraded boilers. The order is included in Valmet’s orders received of the fourth quarter 2024. The value of the order will not be disclosed.