Sustainability News

Andritz launches R&D program to double value from wood without more harvesting

Andritz is launching a comprehensive research and development program called BioCircleToZero, which aims to double the value derived from wood without harvesting more trees. Business Finland, the government’s agency for trade and investment promotion, has granted Andritz 10 million euros in funding for the BioCircleToZero program. An additional 20 million euros will be provided by Business Finland to partners contributing to the program.


EraCup Natural by Lecta obtains DIN CERTCO industrial compostability certification

Lecta has achieved DIN CERTCO industrial compostability certification for its EraCup Natural paperboard, an innovative product for food service applications. Why is this certification important? It ensures that compostability claims are scientifically validated and that items are accepted in industrial composting facilities, unlike “biodegradable” products that may not fully degrade.


Voith sets for itself scientifically based climate targets

The Voith Group has set for itself scientifically based climate targets. Accordingly, the company is committed to reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of its own sites (Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions) by 50.4% by fiscal year 2031/32 compared to the baseline year 2021/22. In addition, Voith aims to reduce GHG emissions from the use of its products (Scope 3) by 30% over the same period.


Researchers at TU Graz turn textile waste into paper

Until now, old clothes have mainly been incinerated. Using adapted processes from paper production, it is possible to recover the cellulose fibres from used clothing and use them to produce cardboard and other packaging materials. In Austria alone, around 220,000 tonnes of textile waste are produced every year, of which almost 80 per cent is incinerated. As a result, valuable raw materials are irretrievably lost. A team led by Thomas Harter from the Institute of Bioproducts and Paper Technology has come up with a sustainable solution to this problem. The researchers have developed a process to recover the fibres from cotton-based used textiles and use them to produce paper for packaging materials. Compared to conventional recycled paper, the paper with textile fibre content proves to be significantly stronger.


Södra delivers CLT to Gothenburg Grand Central

The construction of Gothenburg Grand Central has started, a new station building in a completely new district. Together with Hybridge, Södra is delivering 9,100 square meters of cross-laminated timber (CLT) for the building's frame. Gothenburg's new station building is a project with a clear focus on sustainability and a minimized climate footprint. The majority of the building's structure is made of wood, which is combined with recycled bricks, climate-improved concrete, and recycled steel.


Stora Enso achieves milestone in carbon reduction

By the end of 2024, Stora Enso achieved a 53% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions, surpassing the target of a 50% reduction by 2030 from the 2019 base year. This milestone reflects the Group's long-term commitment to proactive decarbonisation efforts.


Encouraging responsible forest management

“At Billerud, we are aware of how forests’ ecosystems and functionality benefit society, the environment, and business. Throughout our sustainable supply chain, we know that our raw material is traceable and controlled. We always strive for certified wood, responsible management, and reforestation. Now, we made a film about responsible manufacturing and how to shape a better tomorrow.”


4evergreen's updated guidance on improved collection and sorting introduces new insights for fibre-based packaging

4evergreen is proud to announce the publication of Version 3 of the Guidance on the Improved Collection and Sorting of Fibre-Based Packaging for Recycling. This significant update is the result of great work by their Workstream 3, that involved over 40 industry experts from across the entire fibre-based packaging value chain.


No waste sustainability is closer than you think

United under one global organization at Tissue World Istanbul, BW Converting’s hygiene business segment will highlight the importance of sustainability in its machinery and product production cycles and share strategies for energy-saving, waste reduction and the adoption of sustainable production methods. BW Converting’s hygiene brands include Paper Converting Machine Company (PCMC), Winkler + Dünnebier (W+D), STAX Technologies and Northern Engraving and Machine.


5th Annual Conference “New horizons for fibre-based packaging circularity”

4evergreen, the cross-industry alliance perfecting the circularity of fibre-based packaging from across the industry’s value chain, announces its Annual Conference to be held in Brussels on 6 November. With 4evergreen’s value chain approach to circularity, the conference will focus on how fibre-based packaging can continue to support the EU's green transition and circular economy goals to have an even more sustainable sector.
