Klabin has awarded Pöyry with the assignment for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) services for a relevant part of the Balance of Plant (BOP) at the Puma Project in Brazil.
The scope of work includes the required interconnection between all process EPCs areas, water intake and effluent outfall systems, cooling tower, central control room, chemicals handling and other complementary systems.
The new, state-of-the-art greenfield pulp mill, so so-called "PUMA Project", will be located in Ortigueira, Parana State, in the South of Brazil. Raw material for the mill will be eucalyptus and pinus wood from own plantations in the surrounding area. The annual capacity target for the pulp mill is 1.1 million ADt of eucalyptus-baled bleached pulp and 0.4 million ADt of pine bleached pulp, baled and also converted to fluff.
Pöyry has been involved in the project since January 2012 when it was awarded an assignment for environmental studies and basic engineering by Klabin. Pöyry was also awarded a preparatory work for mill infrastructure.