(05/05/2014 / sha)

Port of Tilbury: New deal to handle palletised paper

The Port of Tilbury’s London Paper Terminal announces a new deal with Hemisphere Freight to handle over 20,000 t of directories from Spain.


Hemisphere control the business of a major importer of directories from Spain and spotted the opportunity to relocate over 20,000 t of palletised paper. OPDR containers from Bilbao are now devanned at the newly created London Paper Terminal immediately adjacent to the container facility, London Container Terminal (LCT). As a result, shunts and handling have been minimised and the operation has been very successful with all parties working together to ensure a smooth and highly efficient supply chain.

Perry Glading, COO of Forth Ports also commented: “We are delighted to welcome Hemisphere Freight to LPT. This is a clear example of Tilbury’s strength – working with our partners like Hemisphere Freight and their customers to deliver a portcentric solution which is both cost effective and seamless. The Paper Terminal is one of many existing, dedicated facilities in Tilbury which provides specialist handling expertise to container lines wishing provide added value services to their customers.”