Thanks to Voith technology, Bohui BM3 produced already 750,000 t of board - in perfect quality.
Bohui Paper is enthusiastic about the outstanding performance: Since 2013 the Voith supplied BM 3 runs to the complete satisfaction of the Chinese board and paper manufacturer. “After a very fast start-up, we have soon been producing paper of perfect quality. We are very happy to work with Voith, a partner with large technological experience and know-how", says a company representative.
With a wire width of 8,750 mm and a total length of 400 m, the BM 3 is one of the most efficient board machines. It is designed for an annual production of 750,000 t of quadruple-coated ivory board in the basis weight range of 290 to 340 g/m². Next to the paper machine, the Voith delivery included headbox, winder, automation and machine clothing.