BASF and "Feinpappenwerk Gebr. Schuster GmbH & Co. KG" are working jointly on a solution for a combined migration and grease barrier on recycled cardboard. The biopolymer ecovio PS 1606 is applied to recycled cardboard in an extrusion coating process.
This enables the proportion of recycled paper fibers in fast food packaging to be increased while simultaneously making it industrially compostable. Ecovio PS 1606 is a high-quality and versatile biopolymer from BASF. The special advantage: Ecovio is bio-based and biodegradable according to American Standard ASTM 6400 and European Standard EN 13432.
The polymer coating applied to the cardboard is many times thinner than a human hair, but nevertheless provides the packaging with outstanding protection against potential migration of undesired substances while simultaneously offering high greaseproofness and liquid tightness. From the wide range of cardboard qualities used by the Schuster-Karton company, coating with Ecovio allows all possible types of fast food packaging to be manufactured in conformity with food safety and environment friendly standards.