With today’s launch of the online Environmental Self-check, WWF provides an improved service to pulp and paper manufacturers globally for company internal usage. The five online steps to check the environmental footprint of pulp and paper brands can be filled out confidentially. The Environmental Self-check is a new feature of WWF´s Check Your Paper, a public database of brands with high environmental standards (checkyourpaper.panda.org)
“WWF wants to offer an additional service to producers to support continual improvement efforts. With
the Environmental Self-check we encourage companies to test their products with our method and verify
their environmental performance. Companies can download their scores for company internal usage and
discussions without any cost or obligations,” said Emmanuelle Neyroumande, Pulp and Paper Global
Manager, WWF International “Of course we encourage them to also publish their scores subsequently, to
show leadership in transparency.”
The Environmental Self-check is based on a method which reduces the complexity of assessing the forest
and manufacturing footprint of pulp and paper products. Previously called “Scorecard”, it was developed
upon request by and with support of large buyers, and in consultation with scientists, NGOs and
producers. The Check Your Paper method is already being used across regions and for different products.
WWF now also encourages the use of the method in supplier screening tools, for example those of
retailers and other large buyers of pulp and paper.
The public Check Your Paper database has further a new focus on featuring pulp and paper products with
high environmental standards and a low forest, water and climate footprint. As part of the improved Check
Your Paper, WWF will offer more opportunities for transparent leaders in the sector to get public
recognition for published brands. All third party audited brands will automatically participate in the
Environmental Paper Awards 2016 which will be issued for Best Environmental Performance paper
brands and the most transparent producers.
Rod Taylor, Director Forests for Life Programme, WWF International said “At a time of increasing
interest in supply chain risks worldwide, the Check Your Paper Method offers an opportunity for suppliers
and buyers to work together to reduce their environmental footprint.”