Fogra’s latest announcement has put an end to the uncertainty around standards 51 and 52. And the paper to match the new standards already exists: the Felix Schoeller Group’s Digital Media Business Unit has produced the first complete portfolio of proofing papers to comply with the new Fogra standards 51 and 52.
The fact that it began its research early on means that the Felix Schoeller Group has already developed proofing papers with optical brighteners that meet the new Fogra specifications. Schoeller is now pleased to offer a portfolio of six microporous resin-coated papers and a special-coated matt paper, marketed under the product name TRUST. Six of the papers have certification, the last one is in the process of being certified by Fogra.
There is a strong trend in white papers with optical brighteners in the graphics and paper market. Fogra has now responded to this trend by publishing its new Fogra 51 and 52 standards. They say that profiles and characterisation data will follow soon. The Fogra 39 standard that was in use to date was designed for neutral white papers without optical brighteners, which meant it was no longer able to meet the needs of the current trend in the paper market and deliver optimum results for print and proofing jobs on the new papers.
The fact that the light sources used in light boxes in the past did not include the UV parts of the spectrum meant that there were visual differences between the proofs and the final print products, depending on whether they were viewed in light boxes or in daylight. This caused problems in everyday work processes. To address this problem, adjustments were made to the light sources used in the light boxes: they now contain UV light to make it possible to differentiate between papers with and without optical brighteners. Furthermore, the conventional colour measurement M0 has been replaced by the physically correct colour measurement M1 that so many professionals had been calling for. In conjunction with colour measurement M2, the proportion of active optical brighteners can now be determined.
Now that the new Fogra standards 51 and 52 have been published, there is an urgent demand for new proofing papers that follow the trend towards high whiteness. However, at the same time, they also have to meet the established specifications relating to high light-fastness and the outstanding ageing resistance that accompanies it, not forgetting the frequent wish for a large colour gamut. These four elements together – light box, colour measurement, Fogra standards and proofing papers – mean that the new process is complete and suitable for professional use.
The TRUST premium and the TRUST commercial papers already have official Fogra certification. The TRUST economy paper is in the process of being certified. Despite the optical brighteners they contain, the premium and commercial papers have a special product structure that makes them extremely light-fast, which accounts for their excellent ageing resistance. In addition to the large colour gamut that all the papers have, TRUST premium papers are particularly suitable for reproducing spot colours. They are used for all types of proofs for offset, gravure and screen printing. Their excellent properties mean that they can easily be used as colour-liable contract proofs or as samples in packaging mock-ups, for example.