(01/19/2016 / rkj)

ANDRITZ to supply equipment for recycled fiber system to Sonoco-Alcore, Finland

Andritz will supply pulping and de-trashing equipment for the OCC stock preparation line at the Karhula paper mill. Start-up is scheduled for the third quarter of 2016.

The order comprises supply of a new Andritz FSR pulper rotor and a screen plate for the existing low-consistency pulper, a completely new de-trashing system including a trash trap, a de-trashing pump, a de-trasher FibreGuard, a new reject wash drum, field instruments, spare and wear parts, and a field service package.

After completion of the modification work by Andritz, the production capacity of the pulping system will be increased significantly, while at the same time energy consumption will remain unchanged, fiber loss will be reduced, and pulping efficiency improved.  This order once again confirms Andritz’s wide technological experience with more than 60 pulping and de-trashing systems for packaging grades installed around the world.